The tuba may be cumbersome but it's the real bottom in the old marching bands of New Orleans. You'll need a hat of course and some kind of suit jacket but those are easy to find. The most important thing is your lips really. They have to work...and well. There are doctors out there who can check them for you if need be or if you're confident in your own diagnostic ability, you can just go to a mirror and do it yourself.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Alchemy- Watercolor 42 X 56 cm.December 2006

To be honest I have always believed in the alchemical process that is, man's ability to transform ordinary substances into gold. This is the last in a series of paintings that I did over the Christmas time and it depicts the alchemical process at work. This is of course a metaphor for what we humans are quite good at, and hopefully use for good ends, and that is 'thinking'.
Visualization. Picturing. Imagineering. What you will...
The process depends on your ability to get into, and remain in touch with, that which we have in former times described as heart's desire, lifelong dream or utmost fantasy.
It has been said that it is very important not to allow your belief in your own ability to create what you want in your life to be contaminated by the contradictory belief that it is not possible. Thought power is God power.