The tuba may be cumbersome but it's the real bottom in the old marching bands of New Orleans. You'll need a hat of course and some kind of suit jacket but those are easy to find. The most important thing is your lips really. They have to work...and well. There are doctors out there who can check them for you if need be or if you're confident in your own diagnostic ability, you can just go to a mirror and do it yourself.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Be willing to step out there!

“Today in orchestra, we played the finale from Sibelius’s Second Symphony. I enjoyed every minute of it. For those of you who have not played it before, there is a part near the end where the tuba comes in, going from high to low D, and then from G to D. When we got to that part, the director shouted ‘Go, Big Dog!’ and I went, giving as much as I had to give. That feeling I had was incredible.”
-Dave Seip,
Cool musical experiences, TubeNet, May 17, 1999.